this song. Oh my god. I seriously love this song so much, I can't even remember the last time I fell in love with a song so quickly. I was watching the MV, and thought, "Hey, he can play piano really well!" Then, the actual song started and as soon as he started singing I was done. Yep, this is my alltime favourite song I think, and it took maybe five seconds to determine that. I don't even know why I love it so much, I just do.

When I learned that Taemin and Kyuhyun were going to be in it, I was a bit worried. None of those three are rappers, but I thought that Taemin would be able to pull off a rap the best, although it might be awkward. But then.... THERE IS NO RANDOM RAP BREAK! The one thing I hate most in kpop is the "raps" that don't fit the song! (followed by "dubstep" breaks) This song was so refreshing and it flows so well. Kyuhyun and Taemin's parts aren't too distracting since their voices fit well with Henry's, and they didn't take away too much from the fact that this is Henry's SOLO debut.


I love this song so much

Anybody else think that Henry looks a bit like Gyu in this video?

so... yeah. I just needed to get some of that out. this song is so perfect, probably the best song out of all the recent releases. (to me, at least)

okay... bye! 

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